- “Alè Europe,” a series produced by Red Carpet, an ILBE Group company, consists of 12 episodes, distributed for free streaming on CHILI on a weekly basis, starting from April 27;
- It stars 14 sports champions: Martina Carraro and Fabio Scozzoli, Daniele Cassioli, Monica Contrafatto, Marco Di Costanzo, Giorgio Minisini and Linda Cerruti, Michela Moioli, Vincenzo Nibali, Antonella Palmisano, Manuel Pasqual, Letizia Paternoster, Enza Petrilli and Gaia Sabbatini;
- Alè Europe is the first sports project belonging to the entertainment sector to win the European “Call for proposal – Support for information measures relating to the EU Cohesion Policy.”
From April 27, streaming for free on the CHILI platform, great sports champions are the protagonists of the series “Alè Europe,” an original and unpublished format that develops in 12 episodes, a clear reference to the stars on the flag of the European Union.
The 14 athletes involved represent our country from North to South: Olympic champions, Paralympians and athletes who symbolize Italian sports. In the course of the episodes, they tell their stories, discovering unexpected points of contact with successful projects made possible thanks to European Union funds: stories of the rebirth of places and monuments, redevelopment of areas, scientific research, new technologies, associations and events in areas of Italy where they grew up or with which they have a special connection.
The series, produced by Red Carpet, an ILBE Group company, is the first ever sports project belonging to the entertainment sector to win the European “Call for proposal – Support for information measures relating to the EU Cohesion Policy,” and was developed with financial support from the European Union.
Episodes are released on CHILI, again free streaming, on a weekly basis every Thursday from April 27 to August 13, 2023.
“Alé Europe” is a series intended for the general public, for younger people who have yet to make their way to conquer their personal goals, and for those who, on the other hand, have already achieved goals but want to open themselves up to new perspectives so that they never stop improving.
Among the protagonists: Martina Carraro and Fabio Scozzoli (multi-titled swimmers and a couple in life), Daniele Cassioli, (the greatest Paralympic water skiing champion of all time), Monica Contrafatto (Paralympic bronze medalist in the 100 meters in Tokyo and military), Marco Di Costanzo (Olympic bronze medalist rower), Michela Moioli (Olympic champion snowboarder), Vincenzo Nibali (one of cycling’s all-time top champions), Antonella Palmisano (reigning Olympic champion in the 20-kilometer march), Manuel Pasqual (former Fiorentina soccer team captain), Letizia Paternoster (world champion track cyclist), Enza Petrilli (Paralympic silver medalist archer) and Gaia Sabbatini (talented Italian middle distance champion).